Blasts 2014

Wednesday 12/31/2014
Well Happy New Year Eve Everyone,

Just some final dates and information for the end of 2014.

The last day to purchase tickets to the Holiday Party is this coming, Saturday, January 3rd at the Chapter Meeting. See Cindy and she can give you tickets. $25 member, $40 non-member.

I want to wish a speedy recovery and prayers to the follow members;

Dennis Webb who is now home recovering from emergency surgery on Christmas.
Anita Maheux who is recovering from knee surgery at D’Ville Pavilion, St Marys Hospital, Lewiston,
Jerry Yergin who is home recovering from knee surgery.

Also, A Celebration of life will be held for Cindy & Lorrie’s mom who passed away of Christmas Eve will be held on Sunday, January 4th at 2:00pm at Sky-Hy in Topsham. Hope a lot of you can make it to celebrate the life of their mom.

Our next Blood Drive is Saturday, January 31st. If you are able to volunteer your time, please sign up with Cindy at the meeting on Saturday.

Happy New Year to you all and may 2015 keep us all healthy and strong.

Kathi L. Yergin

Tuesday 12/30/2014
Good Morning All,

I wanted to let everyone know that Cindy & Lorrie’s mom’s memorial service will be held this coming Sunday, January 4th at Sky Hy in Topsham. If you can make it I am sure the two of them would love to see you. Their mom passed away of Christmas Eve.

Our next Chapter meeting is this coming Saturday, January 3rd at 9:00am. This is the LAST chance to purchase your Holiday Dinner Tickets.

The Holiday Party is on Saturday, January 10th at the Carriage House in Lewiston. $25 members and $40 for non members.

Have a great day everyone!!!
Kathi L. Yergin

Wednesday 12/10/2014
First, Thank you all for volunteering you time this weekend for Breakfast with Santa. We are going to arrive at 7:30am to set up. If you can make it that would be great, other wise we have enough people that if you want to show up after 9:00am that is fine too.

See you Saturday.
Kathi L. Yergin

Friday 12/05/2014

The Chapter Meeting for tomorrow will be held at 10:00am so that the weather will have passed us by. Hope to see you then!!
Kathi L. Yergin

Thursday 12/04/2014

Hi All,

I need to know by tomorrow who will be attending the Ladies of Harley annual dinner at Davinci’s on Thursday, December 11th., 6:30pm. Please let me know by tomorrow (Friday).
Kathi L. Yergin


Monday 12/01/2014

Happy Monday,

We have a busy month coming up which is always great when it’s not riding season. It is a great way to stay together. Below is a list of activities, as well as RSVP dates, etc.

Saturday, December 6th – Chapter Meeting, Anyone interested in a 2nd position can sign up at the meeting. We are looking for road captains to LOH Officer, everything is open to all.


Saturday, December 13th – we are hosting Breakfast with Santa. Thank you to those who have signed up to help, we could always use a few more.

Thursday, December 11th – Ladies of Harley Holiday Dinner. This is always a good time for the ladies just to get together and go out to dinner. We will be heading to Davinci’s on the 11th at 6:30pm. PLEASE RSVP by this Friday, December 5th to

Saturday, January 10th – Holiday Party. Tickets will be on sale at the December meeting. The price’s are $25 for members, $40 for non-members. Biker Bucks will be shared at the Party.

Also in January there will be another Blood Drive.

Mark your calendars and hope to see you soon.
Kathi L. Yergin

Tuesday 11/25/2014

I am looking for two woman who would be available to gift wrap during ladies night at L-A Harley on Thursday, December 4th from 6pm to 8pm. If you are available let me know ASAP. Only need two!!
Kathi L. Yergin


Tuesday 11/23/2014

Good Evening Everyone, hope your had a great weekend.

Just some updates for you.

First, thank you to all the members who volunteered to cook or serve for the next month. Because of your time and commitment we have the chance to raise some money. I am also looking for more volunteers for Breakfast with Santa on December 13th. I only have 5 people that have volunteered and a few more would be very helpful.

Just a heads up that there are only 3 rooms left for Lake George, Americade. We will be leaving on Sunday, May 31, 2015 and returning on Wednesday, June 3, 2015. We have held the rooms at the same place as last year. If you are interested in going you must book no later than, Saturday, November 29th. Super 8 Hotel. 518-668-2470, ask for Jody and tell her you want to book a room under (Jerry the Harley Group). After November 29th the owners do leave for winter and the rate is no longer available.

Voting for Primary Officer’s is taking place, so please stop by and see John Story and cast your vote. All voting needs to be done by Friday, December 5th.

If you are interested in a Secondary Position sign up sheets will be available at the next meeting. If you are not attending the meeting just send me an email and I will put you down on the sheet. After all Secondary Officers are signed up, the Primary Officer’s will go over and choose to fill those positions for the year.

Everyone have a Wonderful Thanksgiving and hope it is filled with a day of Thankfulness.
Kathi L. Yergin


Tuesday 11/18/2014

Hi Everyone,

So we have been invited back this year for the 3rd Annual Breakfast with Santa at L-A Harley. The date is Saturday, December 13th. I will need some volunteers!!!

Also, John is letting us serve lunch at L-A Harley November 29th, December 6th, December 20th. If you could make a soup or lunch item, PLEASE let me know. If you would like to serve, let me know ASAP. We need at least two to serve. First come they get it!!

Kathi L. Yergin


Thursday 11/10/2014

Happy Monday,

Just sending out a few updates after our meeting on Saturday.

We have planned our trip to Americade, Lake George, NY for 2015. We will be leaving on May 31, 2015 and returning June 3, 2015. We will be staying at the Lake George Super 8, same location as last year. We have blocked off 15 rooms and reservations need to be made prior to December 2nd to get discounted rate. The number is 518-668-2470 ask for Jody. (Rooms are being held under Jerry Yergin – HOG group)

Son of Janis & Scott Tanguay(Jay Tanguay) will be returning from Afganistan sometime within the next few days (11/15 or 16th). His platoon and others will be stopping in Bangor for a few hours before continuing their flight. We would love to get together and Welcome Home these young men and woman who have been away for almost a year. So watch out for a last minute blast. They will not know their destination to Bangor until the last possible minute. You know the service. One request is that we are collecting individual whoopee pies for these men and woman. They miss them a lot. If you would like to donate a few Whoopee Pies you can bring them by to Jerry at L-A Harley this week. Sam’s has some great individual wrap ones.

Our annual Holiday Party has been booked for Saturday, January 10, 2015 at the Carriage House in Lewiston from 6:00pm – 10:00pm. Mark the date. Tickets and RSVP’s will take place in December.

Ballots for the four primary officer’s (Director, Assistant Director, Treasurer and Secretary) will be located with John Story beginning Saturday, November 15th. Please stop by during the month of November and vote. Every vote counts!!!

During December’s meeting sign ups for secondary officer’s will be taken for the 2015 year. Get involved, it is fun and you give the time you can.

Registration forms for the 2015 ME State Rally are located in the HOG’s Den. There will be a police escorted ride and A lot of activities are being planned.

Have a great week!!!
Kathi L. Yergin

Friday 11/07/2014
Just a friendly reminder of tomorrow’s meeting. Nominations for Primary Officers will be taken. Hope to see you!!!

Kathi L. Yergin

Thursday 10/23/2014

Good Evening All,

Hope everyone is staying dry. The weather is miserable but family and friends keep us going.

I want to wish Karen Schneider and Brent Tanguay a wonderful wedding day on Saturday. Your family at Mid Maine wishes you many years of happiness to come.

Just a reminder that our next Chapter meeting will be the 2nd weekend in November. November 8th. Please mark your calendar.

Have a great weekend!!
Kathi L. Yergin

Tuesday 10/14/2014

A HUGE thank you to all those who volunteered their time on saturday for the Blood Drive. Even though it was a slow day over 60 vials were donated which will give 180 people help. So thank you for sticking out the day on such a wonderful cause. You guys ROCK!!!!!
Kathi L. Yergin

Tuesday 10/07/2014
Tomorrow’s dinner ride will be heading to Mac’s Grill. The ride will leave L-A Harley at 6:00pm rain or shine, car or motorcycle. If you would like to meet at Mac’s that is fine also. Let’s get together for dinner!!!

If you think you would like to attend, shoot me a quick email back and I will try to get a reservation.
Kathi L. Yergin

Sunday 10/05/2014

Hi Everyone,

If you missed the meeting yesterday that’s ok but I want to give you an update of our Vermont trip we are planning for July 17 – 19th (2015) at the Kitzhof Inn in Vermont.

As of yesterdays meeting 14 rooms have been booked. The Inn only has 23 and I had only booked 10 for our group so knowing 14 are book is fantastic. So this is going to be an AWESOME time.

We can book out the whole Inn. So if you are interested in joining us for the weekend I would make your reservations NOW as only 9 rooms are left. Below is some of the information.

Kitzhof Inn
West Dover, VT

Arrival Date: July 17, 2015
Departure: July 19. 2015
Breakfast included: 2
Evening Meal included: 1

Double Occupancy(2 per room) $284.00 Inclusive
Single Occupancy (1 per room) $196.00 Inclusive
rates do not include alcoholic beverages, housekeeping or dining gratuities.

We are able to bring our own alcoholic beverages, snacks, we can have pizza one night, etc.

Simon & Alison are awesome owners of the Inn.

Rates Above Include: 2 nights accommodation with a hearty country breakfast each morning, 1 evening meal on Saturday (BBQ or similar) and tax.
BBQ consists of;
Hamburger with all the trimmings, BBQ chicken, ribs, corn on the cob, BBQ beans, coleslaw and NY cheesecake.

Smoke Free Inn, does have a fire pit, swimming pool, hot tub, area living room and bar for our own use.

Well it’s up to you now, hope you will join us as we have a great weekend together in 2015!!!!
Kathi L. Yergin

Friday 10/03/2014
Hi Everyone,

I will not be able to be at tomorrow’s meeting but Cindy has a lot to go over with you.

Just a reminder the Red Cross needs help in making appointments for the October 11th Blood Drive. I have offered an additional $10 biker bucks for each appointment made to those who can spare sometime after the meeting to make calls. Hospitals are in such need of blood that you calling and making that appointment could save the life of so many. So thank you!!

Hope to see a lot of you on the 8th for the Dinner Ride even if by car. I will blast out location on Monday!!

Kathi L. Yergin

Thursday 10/02/2014

Hi All,

Please see below the letter from Tom at the Red Cross. They are looking for help in calling people to make appointments to donate blood on the 11th. If you are available after the meeting on Saturday to call 10-20 people it would truly be appreciated. You can see Cindy at the meeting and she will give you the information.

This is well worth Biker Bucks. And another benefit would be an additional 10 biker bucks for each person you make an appointment with.

Please, please just an hour or two after Saturdays meeting would be greatly appreciated.


Friday 09/26/2014
TGIF is all I can say and what a beautiful weekend for riding coming up.

If you are going to be around L-A Harley on Saturday and have a cell phone. Cindy could use some help calling people to get them to make appointments to give blood on October 11th. She will also be serving lunch so if you can help out really appreciate it.

Sunday, September 28th, ride to the Fryeburg Fair leaving L-A Harley at 9:00am lead by Frank. And also, Senior Day at the Fryeburg Fair leaving L-A Harley on Tuesday, September 30th at 8:30 am lead by Henry.

Saturday, October 4th – Chapter Meeting
Wednesday, October 8th – Dinner Rid, leaving L-A Harley at 6:00pm
Saturday, October 11th – Blood Drive at L-A Harley hosted by us.
Last Ride of the Season – Sunday, October 12th – Simone’s Ride to Snow Falls. Picnic Lunch, Smores will be provided. Leaving L-A Harley at 11:00am lead by Scott T.
Please share any stories or pictures you may have for the newsletter with Karen. Hearing from others is always so much enjoyment. Send them to

Hope to see you at a few of these events. Have a great weekend.

Kathi L. Yergin

Wednesday 09/10/2014
Dinner Ride tonight, leaving L-A Harley at 6:00pm to the Chick a Dee.

Monthly Chapter Meeting, Saturday, September 13th with a ride to follow.

Sunday, Toy Run……Volunteers should be at L-A Harley between 5:00 and 5:30am.
Kathi L. Yergin

Monday 09/08/2014

Good Morning All,

Well what a fantastic weekend. Thank you to ALL who volunteered their time at the Shriner Breakfast and all that attended the Progressive Dinner on Sunday. What a blast!!!! If you missed it, plan on it next year it truly is one of the best events of the year.

On another note, Saturday, September 13th is our Chapter meeting. Following the meeting Brent and Karen will be leading a ride that will end at their home in Lewiston. They are opening their home to us.


There will be a dinner ride leaving L-A Harley at 6:00pm on Wednesday, lead by Jerry. Destination will be announced Wednesday, but in the area as the night time weather does change.

Toy Run is coming up Sunday the 14th. If you have not signed up to help, please let me know. The more the merrier. A follow up email to those who have already signed up will be sent soon.

We have a blood drive scheduled for Saturday, October 11th. If you are interesting in helping please email. Quite a bit of help is always needed.

I am looking for 3 volunteers who would be available on Saturday, September 27th to make calls for the American Red Cross making appointments for our blood drive on October 11th. You would need to have a cell phone. Let me know ASAP.

Have a great day everyone.

Kathi L. Yergin

Tuesday 09/02/2014

Hey Everyone,

Looking for volunteers to serve breakfast on Sunday, September 14th for the Toy Run. This is a very early event (5:30am until cleaned up) but always a great time for us. We could use as many volunteers as possible. Remember last year serving in the rain? It was fun!!! And I mean it really was. If you would like to participate in the ride when it leaves you are always more than welcome to do that also.

If you are interested and can help please let me know right away by email me at
Kathi L. Yergin

Saturday 08/30/2014
For those who signed up for the Progressive Dinner, here is an update to all. There has been a lot of talk about the road/drive way being unsafe or no parking at our destination for dinner. Today six of us took a ride out to the camp and all I can say is what a beautiful ride it was getting there and the drive way was FINE, if you drove to sky hy last year that road was a harder ride up. The way everyone had been talking we were all looking for the worse, we were totally surprised how beautiful the place is. There is plenty of parking and potential for more parking across the street at a neighbors.

Our visit today was shared with a beautiful moose just standing there in the water eating. I only hope they come back next week and enjoy the dinner with us. Sitting there and just watching her was totally AWESOME and surreal.

Below is the menu for the day; we are going to have a wonderful time. Looking forward to seeing you if you have signed up to go.


French Toast, Bacon, Sausage, Fruit, Coffee, OJ, Milk


Chicken, Steak, corn on the cob, potato salad, macaroni salad, salad, Ice Tea & Water.

Gifford’s Ice Cream on the Way Home.

I think you got your money’s worth in this day!!!
Kathi L. Yergin

Friday 08/29/2014

Hey Everyone,

Looking for volunteers to serve breakfast on Sunday, September 14th for the Toy Run. This is a very early event (5:30am until cleaned up) but always a great time for us. We could use as many volunteers as possible. Remember last year serving in the rain? It was fun!!! And I mean it really was. If you would like to participate in the ride when it leaves you are always more than welcome to do that also.

If you are interested and can help please let me know right away by email me at
Kathi L. Yergin

Wednesday 08/27/2014

It’s hard to believe September is right around the corner. Here is an updated list of our final rides for the season.

Saturday, August 30th – leaving L-A Harley at 9:30am to Owl’s Head – Lead by Walter
Sunday, August 31st – Leaving L-A Harley at 10:00am to Height of the Land – Lead by Jerry
Saturday, September 6th – Shriner Breakfast – all that signed up to volunteer should be at L-A Harley at 6:30am
Sunday, September 7th – Progressive Dinner Ride – leaving L-A Harley at 9:00am, Lead by Jerry & Scott T.
Wednesday, September 10th – Dinner Ride leaving L-A Harley at 6:00pm – Lead by Jerry
Saturday, September 13th – Chapter Meeting at 9:00am
Saturday, September 13th – Mystery Ride – Lead by Brent & Karen ending at their home.
Sunday, September 14th – Toy Run……..???? if we are doing breakfast (will let all know)
Saturday, September 20th – 21st – Jack N Jill……??? final destination (Headed by Janis)
Sunday, September 21st – Mystery Ride, Lead by Walter
Sunday, September 28th – Leaving L-A Harley at 9:00am to Fryeburg Fair – Lead by Frank
Tuesday, September 30th – Leaving L-A Harley at 8:30am to Fryeburg Fair – Lead By Henry
Wednesday, October 8th – Dinner Ride leaving L-A Harley at 6:00pm – Lead by Jerry
Saturday, October 11th – Chapter Meeting ( NOTE DATE CHANGED) 9:00am
Saturday, October 11th – Follow Meeting OUR FINAL RIDE – Simone’s Ride to Snow Falls – Lead by Scott T.

****Road Captains of each ride please mark these on your calendars.****

It has been an awesome season of riding and I want to THANK the Road Captains that have lead rides to make it a great season for members. It truly has been appreciated.
Kathi L. Yergin

Sunday 08/17/2014

Upcoming Ride to Fort Knox;

“Just a reminder that the ride to Fort Knox is this coming Saturday, August 23rd leaving L-A Harley at 10:00 am.
This ride includes a BBQ at the Fort. The cost of the BBQ is $8.00 per person and should be paid the day of the ride or prior. Please email Lorrie at “” if you are planning to attend in order to get a head count to make sure accurate amount of food will be provided. We don’t want to leave anyone out.
The BBQ will be prepared by Cindy Rogers and Lorrie Fernald and will be ready for everyone when they arrive at the Fort. Dennis Rogers will be the lead Road Captain for this ride.
The entrance fee to the park will be picked up by the Chapter.
If you have any questions, please contact Lorrie by email or telephone 841-9066. Hope to see everyone there !!”


Tuesday 08/12/2014
Some quick updates;

1. The Jack n Jill ride scheduled for September 20th has temporarily been postponed until a new location can be made. The hotel does not have any more rooms and will not offer any further members a one night only stay. So please if you made a reservation cancel it and further details will be sent out.

2. The deadline to RSVP for the progressive ride is Sunday, August 24th. Please email me ASAP to let me know if you would like to purchase your ticket. $10 members, $25 non members.

3. The Fort Knox picnic lunch is scheduled for Saturday, August 23rd. This date was changed a few months ago, so please fix your calendars. The ride will be leaving L-A Harley at 10 am and lead by Dennis R.

4. On Sunday, September 24th is the ride to Castle in the Clouds lead by Lorrie & Jesse. Leaving L-A Harley at 9:00am.

Have a great weekend!!
Kathi L. Yergin

Saturday 08/02/2014
Hi Everyone,

Thank you to all those who came to our monthly meeting today. As usual it was a pleasure being with people who are like family to you.

Some important items for you to mark on your calendar.

August 10th is Frank’s Mystery Ride – This is an RSVP ride as Frank & Pam are inviting you back to their home after the ride for a cookout. Please let me know by Tuesday, August 4th if you plan on going.

Tickets for the Progressive Dinner (Sunday, September 7th) are on sale know. The last date to purchase your tickets will be Friday, August 22nd. $10 members, $20 non-members. You can email me and I can set up a time to pick up your tickets with Jerry at L-A Harley.

Ladies of Harley…Jack ‘n Jill overnight information follows this blast – see to get information to book your room. This should be another awesome time!!!! Book your room soon.

September’s meeting will be held the 2nd Saturday of the month. Saturday, September 13th as we will be serving breakfast on the 6th for the Shriners Ride In.

Here is the upcoming week of events.

Thursday, August 7th leaving L-A Harley at 6 pm heading to Texas Roadhouse, Augusta for dinner.
Saturday, August 9th, Ride to Cornish for lunch, leaving L-A Harley at 10:00am lead by Tony.
Sunday, August 10th, Frank’s mystery Ride, leaving L-A Harley at 10:00am. RSVP is needed for this ride.

Have a GREAT week.
Kathi L. Yergin


Ladies of Harley presents…
Jack ‘n Jill Overnite – September 20-21

 Group meets at L-A Harley

 Ride departs at 10:00 am – the Ladies take one route, Guys take a different route. (Each group will make a lunch stop in-route.)
 We will all meet up at the Glen Cove Motel in Rockport; then enjoy an evening dinner out and socializing.

Glen Cove Inn and Suites, Rockport Maine, is located between Rockland and Camden. Nestled in a quiet coastal village of Rockport overlooking Penobscot Bay. A Family and Pet Friendly Mid-coast Maine Hotel. It is only 10 minutes from either; this gives us a plethora of choices of things to do and places to eat.

As of 7/24, the motel has a lot of availability for this weekend. The room rate is from $104 (1 queen standard) to $119 (queen or king deluxe). They also have some suites.

Contact: Janis Tanguay 207-650-2646 for more info

Glen Cove Motel: 800-453-6268 for reservations

Saturday 08/02/2014
This is the email below that was sent out back in July. After todays meeting I am sending the information below to you again. If you have any other questions do not hesitate to contact me.
Kathi L. Yergin

—–Original Message—–
From: Kathi <>
To: KRil62 <>
Sent: Mon, Jul 14, 2014 8:03 am
Subject: 2015 Rally

Happy Monday All,

I have heard from several of you about your unhappiness of the 2015 ME State Rally being held in Skowhegan. The best way to have your voice heard is you must email our HOG Representative. Let her know the reasons and just maybe she will look into the proposal that was given.

Please send in your emails ASAP before too much has moved forward with the rally preparations.

Send all your emails to;

Valerie Ledterman
H.O.G. Representative

Remember your opinion does count!!!!

Thursday 07/31/2014

We have been asked by the Shriners if we would cook breakfast on Saturday, September 6th for Twichells Ride
In. If you are able to volunteer your time, please let me know ASAP, sign up sheet will also be available at Saturdays meeting. I will need to know so that I can let them know we are all set to cook.

We would begin set up that day at 6:30am and serve and clean up until 11am.

Please email me back or sign up on saturday.

Just a reminder that the progressive dinner tickets can be purchased at saturdays meeting. $20 for non members/guest and $10 for members.

Kathi L. Yergin

Thursday 07/24/2014

Happy Thursday All,

Here is an updated of weekend rides; Some new one’s

Saturday, July 26th, Ride to Arundel leaving L-A Harley at 10:00am lead by Walter.

Sunday, July 27th Ride to Five Islands Co/op leaving L-A Harley at 9:00am lead by Walter.

Saturday, August 2nd Chapter Meeting 9:15am, social prior.

Saturday, August 2nd, leaving L-A Harley at 11am after the meeting. Ride to Weathervane in Readfield for lunch and then to Belgrade Lake for ice cream and some music entertainment. Lead by Walter.

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Kathi L. Yergin

Thursday 07/10/2014
Good Morning Everyone,

Sundays Lobster bake has been CANCELLED. Maybe next year this can be pulled off. With that there will still be a ride leaving L-A Harley at 10:00am lead by Brent Tanguay. He will be stopping at Erica’s again for lunch so FYI, cash only. Trip to Bailey’s Island and some great scenery.

Hope to see you at the meeting on saturday.
Kathi L. Yergin

Monday 07/07/2014
On Sunday, July 13th the ride to Yankee Lanes, Brunswick for a Lobster Bake will be leaving L-A Harley at 10:00am lead by Brent Tanguay. The day will include riding, a stop in Harpswell for a light lunch more riding and then to Yankee Lanes at 4pm for music and lobster bake. The price for dinner is $20 pp. Please let Jessie know Saturday of your definite plans.

$20 pp includes lobster, steamers, corn on the cob, hamburgers, hotdogs available also, chips, and soda.

Please let Jessie know by Saturdays meeting.
Kathi L. Yergin

Monday 07/07/2014

Happy Monday,

Just a few upcoming events.

Thursday, July 10th (This date is a change). Dinner Ride to Roy’s Bike Show, leaving L-A Harley at 6:30pm lead by Lorrie.

Saturday, July 12th. Chapter Meeting and then following the meeting, a ride and stop at Orange Leaf for ice cream.

It’s still not to late to book your weekend in Vermont with the Chapter!!! Below is the information sent out in a prior blast. Hope you will join us.

Have a great week.

Kathi Yergin

Update on Vermont Overnight Motorcycle Trip on Friday, July 18th thru 20th !!!

You don’t want to be left out …….. Mark your calendars and make your reservations now for this overnight ride taking place next month.

The ride will be led by our Road Captains Dennis Rogers and Lorrie Fernald. It is called “A Freedom Ride” because everyone is free to do as they wish once we arrive at the Hotel in Barre, VT. The weekend has an agenda of a ride taking place on Saturday but it is not mandatory that everyone join the ride if they do not chose to do so. There are many attractions in the area that are also available to take part in if you prefer to rather than join the scheduled ride. A few of them would be: Ben & Jerry’s Factory Tour, Cabot Annex Store, Maple Sugarhouse, Vermont Teddy Bear Shop, etc. It would be nice to have everyone join in the ride on Saturday, but feel free to enjoy the day of your choosing.

Reservations do need to be made asap if you are thinking about doing this ride. The hotel we will be staying at is called the Hilltop Inn in Barre, VT. The telephone number is 802-229-5766. Cost of the rooms is still being negotiated but should be in the area of $80.

Since the last meeting, a lot of interest has generated and inquiries made about getting rooms. The following are people who showed interest in going on the trip so rooms have been set aside for them: Henry and Anita Maheux; Tony and Sandra Bruno; Stewart and Ellen Harrington; Walter Tarbox; Ron Biladeau; Steve Bell; Scott and Christine Prescott; Rita Moffit; Jerry and Kathi Yergin and of course the leaders, Dennis and Cindy Rogers and Lorrie and David Fernald. For this group only ……. When you call to confirm your reservation, tell the receptionist that your reservation is under Cindy Rogers name but would like to confirm now with your credit/debit card. She has a list of your names. Your card will not be charged until the day of arrival but needs to be changed from Cindy’s card to your card number soon in order to hold the rooms. We tried to get the rooms in the same wing of the hotel (on the second floor — sorry no elevator). There is a 48 hours cancellation policy if something unexpectedly comes up and you are unfortunate not to be able to join us on the trip.

This ride is open to the Chapter and their guests and we don’t want to leave anyone out that wants to go. We are hoping the group will continue to grow as the road trip gets closer. More the merrier !!! If you are not included in the small group noted above and would like to join the ride, please make your reservations soon so you are guaranteed a room. When you make the call, please tell the receptionist that you are with the group under Cindy Rogers in order to get the same room rate as everyone else.

*** Please text 207-841-9066 or email Lorrie ( once your reservation has been made so we have a good idea of how many people will be going on the ride. ***

I have attached the agenda for the trip so everyone has an idea of what a great trip it will be. Dennis and Lorrie have made the pre-trip and it is a beautiful ride especially by the Lake. Don’t forget your helmets for riding through VT and NY. We will be driving by the entrance to the Canadian Border but will not be entering it (so no Passport will be needed). If you do choose to enter Canada — don’t forget your Passport).

If you have any questions regarding the ride, please feel free to contact either Dennis or Lorrie.

*** One more thing …. If anyone cannot make the ride on Friday but would like to meet up with us at the hotel that would be perfectly ok. We know some people have to work on Friday but would like to join the ride on Saturday and Sunday. We just ask that either Dennis or Lorrie is notified in advance of your coming and when. Appreciate it. ***

Keep your fingers crossed for good weather …… Safe travels to all.


Kathi L. Yergin


Monday 06/30/2014
Happy Monday,

Please mark your calendars. Our next dinner ride is changing from Wednesday July 9th to Thursday July 10th. The ride will be leaving L-A Harley at 6:30pm and heading to Roy’s in Auburn so that we can enjoy the Bike Show they have on Thursday nights.

Have a great day!!
Kathi L. Yergin

Monday 6/16/2014
The ride to Laconia on Wednesday has be CHANGED to Tuesday, June 17th leaving L-A Harley at 8:00am. Saturday is Family Fun Day at the dealership and Sunday, June 22nd is a ride to the Smoke House in NH lead by Brent T. leaving L-A Harley at 9:00am.

Have a great week everyone!!
Kathi L. Yergin

Monday 6/09/2014
Happy Monday Everyone,

Hope you all enjoyed the weekend. We have added some rides to the calendar thanks to our members at Saturdays meeting. Hope you can find time to join us in one or two.

Thursday, June 12th – Dinner Ride to Winners, Brunswick, leaving L-A Harley at 6:00pm (Please not time change)
Saturday, June 14th – Ride to Laconia, leaving L-A at 9:00am to train in Meredith ($18 pp R/T) lead by Dennis
Sunday, June 15th – Father’s Day Ride to Erica’s in Harpswell, leaving L-A at 10:00am lead by Jerry
Wednesday, June 18th – Ride to Laconia, leaving L-A at 8:00am, lead by Walter
Sunday, June 22nd – Lunch Ride to Smoke house, NH, leaving L-A at 9:00am lead by Brent.
Thursday, June 26th – beginning of the Maine State Rally, OOB

Please check out L-A Harley’s website as there are a few events coming up in the month of June.

For those that are going to be part of the ski team at the Rally, we will practice on Saturday, June 14th and June 21st at 9:00. See you at the dealership. Bring gloves with you!!!! LET’S HAVE SOME FUN!!!!! Just join in, its just fun and some good laughs.
Kathi L. Yergin

Sunday 6/01/2014
Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend? Great days!!

Thank you to all those who got up bright and early today to help out at the Kiwanis Breakfast. I hear if it was not for Mid Maine volunteers not sure how it would of run so smoothly. Thank you for staying late to clean up, above and beyond. That’s how we roll.

Just a friendly reminder that our next Chapter meeting is Saturday, June 7th.

Also, we will be adding another ride for Sunday, June 15th which is really father’s day. We had it marked as a ride on June 22nd to the Smoke house in NH. We will still be going to the Smoke House on the 22nd, but will do another lunch ride on the 15th to celebrate all the Father’s, Grandfather’s, Uncles or those who touch the lives of others. As soon as I know where Jerry Yergin will be leading that I will let you know.

Our next dinner ride will be on Thursday, June 12th, please mark the different day. This will give other chapter members a chance to go. We will be riding to Winner’s in Brunswick, Orange Leaf after???

Have a wonderful week and hope to see you all on the 7th.
Kathi L. Yergin

Tuesday 5/27/2014
Good Morning,

I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. Weather was pretty good for riding.

Next saturday the 31st is the Harley Grill Raffle. We need ALL tickets returned to Henry before the drawing. If you have your tickets you can drop them off at L-A Harley to Jerry or get them to Henry by 10:00am on Saturday at the dealership.

Please finish selling them this helps us have some fun as a chapter. (ice cream, food, holiday party, etc.) It all goes back to you!!

Thank you all for your help.
Kathi L. Yergin

Wednesday 5/21/2014
Weekly update on Upcoming Rides;

Saturday, May 24th, leaving L-A Harley at 10:00am – Ride to Rockland area stopping at Moody Diner for dinner. Led by Jesse.

Sunday, May 25th, leaving L-A Harley at 10:00am – Memorial Respect Ride to Augusta let by Ben.

Saturday, May 31st – Grill Drawing at L-A Harley at 3:00pm.

Sunday, June 1st – Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast.

Also, the ride scheduled for Wednesday, June 18th to Laconia needs a Road Captain. Dennis W. is unable to do it at this time. If you would like to lead a ride to Laconia please let Brent Tanguay or myself know.

Let’s hope the weather corporates this weekend!!!
Kathi L. Yergin

Friday 5/16/2014

The ride to the Kangamagus Highway for tomorrow (saturday) has been cancelled due to the awful weather forecast. We will try to reschedule this at a later date.
Kathi L. Yergin

Sunday 5/11/2014
Happy Mother’s Day All,

What a great day of riding. Perfect weather!! If you did not make the ride today here is wishing you a wonderful day.

On Saturday, May 17th is our Picnic Ride to the Kagamagus Highway. The ride will leave L-A Harley at 9:00am and stop along the river for lunch. This is always a GREAT ride. Let pray the weather will be like today.

The Ride Sally Ride on Thursday, May 23rd to Steppin Out led by Duane Coffin has been CANCELLED, due to his wife not letting him go!!! hehe

Remember if a ride is going to be cancelled, please check the hotline at (207) 758-0633 1 hour before the ride to see if cancelled. If nothing on the hotline the ride is on. Have a great day!!

Have a wonderful week!!
Kathi L. Yergin

Thursday 5/08/2014
Good Morning All,

Well this is it, the last day to register for the ME State Rally. Over 450 people have pre-registered and this is sure to be a fun rally and a great way to meet up with other riders from all over the United States. Check out the website at This is something you truly do not want to miss. There are still rooms available at the Waves where we will be having a beer garden and watching the fireworks on Friday night.

With that, those who have signed up for a Chapter t-shirt women style shirts are available to order. If you ordered a shirt and would like a women’s instead please let me know ASAP. For others going to the rally and would like a shirt and did not get a chance to sign up at the last meeting let me know ASAP, email with your size. This is also open to any chapter member who would like a shirt. The cost will be anywhere between $10 – $12 dollars. Payment will be due at the June meeting.

Our upcoming rides;

Saturday, May 10th – Sandy’s Flight Deck, leaving L-A at 9:00am led by Ben.
Sunday, May 11th – Mother’s Day Ride, leaving L-A at 11:00am led by Jerry to the Red Barn in Augusta.
Saturday, May 17th – Kacamagus Picnic Ride, leaving L-A at 9:00am led by Brett.

We are also looking for someone to lead our ride to Laconia on Wednesday, June 18th. Our member Dennis is unable to do it and is looking for someone to take over. If you are able to fill in could you please let me know ASAP so we can put it on the calendar.

Have a great weekend, the weather is finally cooperating!!!

Kathi L. Yergin

Monday 5/05/2014

Good Morning,

Well there are only 3 days left to pre-register for the ME State Rally. If you are not going or have never been to one you should check out the website at This is a great time with rides, spending time with your fellow HOG friends and more. We are staying at the Waves which still has rooms available and we as a chapter may try to set up something special with members who are attending. So check it out, register today!!!!

The next dinner ride is this Wednesday, May 7th leaving L-A Harley at 6:30pm and heading to the Fairground Cafe in Topsham. This is lead by Jerry. Fingers crossed the weather is looking good as of this morning. Hope you can all join us!!

Saturday, May 10th leaving L-A Harley at 10:00am is a ride to Naples with lunch at Sandy’s Flight Deck. This is led by Ben and should be a great time on the Lake.

Sunday, May 11th is our annual Mother’s Day Ride leaving L-A Harley at 11:00am and heading to the Red Barn in Augusta for lunch. This is led by Jerry. If it does rain this ride will be cancelled so that the mothers, grandmothers, aunts, etc can spend the day with family.

Have a great week and let’s hope Spring starts showing a little bit more.

Kathi L. Yergin

Sunday 4/28/2014
Hi Everyone,

Another rainy week ahead, will spring ever just stay? The weather for Our first ride of the Season did not corporate, but a great time was had by all.

Our next Chapter meeting is this coming Saturday, May 3rd. This is also L-A Harley’s Black & Orange weekend, so please do not park in the front parking lot, look for parking on the street next to L-A if possible. Check out L-A Harley’s website for all the happenings over the weekend, starting Friday.

If you are able to donate a non perishable item for the Food Bank for the ME State Rally, please bring it with you to the meeting and receive biker buck credit.

On another note our members Janis & Scott Tanguay’s son Jay is over in Afghanistan on tour for a year. Supplies are low and it would be wonderful if we could send his troop a box of goodies. I will have a box if you would like to donate to it. They would love candy, pop tarts, peanuts, trail mix, anything that would feel like home. If you have any DVD’s lying around that you do not need they would love some movies to watch. This will also get biker buck credit.

Just to remind you the cut off date for pre registration for the ME State Rally is May 8th. If you have not registered check out the website at and come for the weekend. It’s a lot of fun and if you have any questions please ask myself or Cindy.

May is here and we have a lot on the calendar so please check the website weekly, watch for my blasts and the hotline should be up and running. Below is a few right around the corner. Pray for the sun and warm weather upon us. See you all saturday.

Wednesday, May 7th – Dinner Ride to Fairground Cafe, leaving L-A Harley at 6:30pm lead by Jerry Y.
Saturday, May 10th – Ride the Lake, leaving L-A Harley at 10:00am, lunch at Sandy’s Flight Deck, lead by Ben
Sunday, May 11th – Mother’s Day Ride leaving L-A Harley at 11:00am to Red Barn for lunch, lead by Jerry Y
Kathi L. Yergin

Sunday 4/20/2014
Good Evening All,

We have a dinner ride schedule for Wednesday, April 23rd bike or car leaving L-A Harley at 6:30pm lead by Brent Tanguay. Hope to see you then.
Kathi L. Yergin
Mid Maine HOG Chapter


Thursday 4/17/2014

Our next Chapter meeting is on Saturday, May 3rd. This will also be L-A Harley’s BIG Black and Orange event.

PLEASE bring your motorcycle that day or if you come by vehicle we are asking all members to PLEASE park in the lower lot (employee parking lot). This way we will help in making room for one busy day.

Don’t miss out on this great day.

Kathi L. Yergin

Tuesday 4/8/2014
Good Evening,

Just a few reminders. This coming saturday is our Silent Auction and In Store Poker Walk. Thank you to those who signed up to volunteer or have donated items for the auction. If you could be there at 9:00am and see Jesse that would be great.

If you have any items to still donate for the auction, please bring them in. We could really use more!!! See Cindy in the HOG’s den on saturday morning with your items. All items are worth biker bucks.

There will also be a bake sale that day, so if you would like to bake something and donate it, thank you. Again, bring all items to Cindy and receive biker bucks.

Have you registered for the ME State Rally? It will be held in OOB this year and it would be great to get members together during the rally. Go on to the website at If you have never been, I promise you will have a good time. Last day to pre register is May 8th.

If you plan on attending our “Kick off the Season” ride on Saturday, April 26th, you must RSVP to me no later than Sunday, April 13th. That will be the cut off date. Sorry but no one will be able to go after that date. If it rains don’t worry we will still meet up at a destination to be announced.

Have a great week, enjoy the nice weather. Riding is right around the corner.

Kathi L. Yergin
Mid Maine HOG Chapter

Wednesday 4/2/2014
Good Afternoon Everyone,

Just a friendly reminder of a couple of events coming up. Our chapter meeting is this coming Saturday, April 5th. After the meeting Madeline Campbell will be showing all interested members Facial/Skin Care for men and woman by Seacret, Minerals from the Dead Sea.

Please remember to bring your non perishable items for our box for the Maine State Rally. Items will be donated to the local food pantries. Earn some biker bucks at the same time. See Cindy at the meeting with your donations.

Also, have items to donate to the Silent Auction? bring them to the meeting. The Silent Auction is on Saturday, April 12th, so we are in desperate need of some good quality items hanging around your home that you no longer need. This is a great fundraiser for us to earn some extra money for ice cream runs, etc.

First ride “Kick off the Season Ride” is schedule for Saturday, April 26th leaving L-A Harley at 12:00pm. Let’s get in the habit of riding as a group and following the basic riding skills and safety. Your Road Captains are ready to get this going. Please mark your calendar and join us. Some surprises are in store!!!!

See everyone on Saturday!!!!

Kathi L. Yergin

Sunday 3/23/2014

Good Evening,

Just a reminder….our Silent Auction is fast approaching. If you have any Harley items, or items that are in good condition that you would like to donate to our auction, please get in touch with Cindy at 841-9121. We can make arrangements to pick them up. The success of the auction is with all items that we can get donated. It does not need to be Harley related. The auction will be held on Saturday, April 12th with a poker walk and volunteers will be needed for the poker walk. So if you are interested in volunteering let me know and I will pass your name on to Jesse.

Also, for you woman out there. Madeline Campbell will be offering information of Facial/Skin Care from Seacret after our meeting in April. So make time to stay and see her presentation.

Have a great week everyone!!

Kathi L. Yergin

Monday 2/24/2014

Happy Monday Morning,

Hope you all enjoyed the wonderful weather in Maine this past weekend!! To bad it does not last, but Spring is right around the corner.

Just a reminder of our Chapter meeting this coming saturday March 1st beginning at 9:15am. Following the meeting we will be having our Ride Planning meeting. This will also be a potluck brunch, so bring your favorite dish to share with all. If you have a favorite ride, bring it with you to get it on our calendar. Let’s have some new fun rides, we need to out due our riding last year.

Thank you to the ladies who have signed up to help out at the Garage Party at L-A Harley on Friday, March 14th. You should try to arrive by 5:30pm. It’s not too late for any lady that would like to help. Please let me know ASAP. I have on my list right now, Lenore, Anita, Carol Z, Janis and Rita M. We could use a few more!!! Trust me you will have a good time. Come join in.

Have a great day everyone and see you saturday with your tasty dish and fantastic riding suggestions.

Kathi L. Yergin

Sunday 2/09/2014
Update on Bowling.
Family Bowling
Yankee Lanes
Bath Road
Brunswick, ME
Sunday, February 16th……….1:00pm
$10pp includes, bowling, shoes, pizza, ff, soda
Any family member is welcome to attend.

I have heard from a few of you, please RSVP by Tuesday so that we can arrange to have plenty of lanes.

Dinner Ride to Pepper, Winthrop
Leave L-A Harley at 6:30pm and carpool
Please RSVP by Wednesday, February 12th to make reservations.

Kathi L. Yergin

Sunday 2/09/2014
This is for all the Ladies…..How about an evening out? If you purchase your tickets to the February 20th show, let me know and we can plan a car pool ride…
Attention Ladies of Harley ~

Ladies Night Out! Two events!!
2/20 $6 Original movie; and 5/27 $20 S&TC2…….see details below.

Note, these each are hosted by different sponsors. The February event is a benefit; the May event is all about the Divas (us)!

The 1st one is Feb. 20th

Coast 93.1 Presents
SEX & THE CITY (The Original Movie)
• Showtime 7:00pm
• Happy Hour: 5:00-7:00pm at Previews Grill & Bar
• $5.00 Cosmos
• Cocktails Served In The Theater
• Theater Seating Begins At 6:00pm
• You Must Be At Least 21 Years Old With Legal ID to Consume Adult Beverages
• This Movie Is Rated “R”. No One Under 18 Will Be Admitted
• Proceeds From Ticket Sales To Benefit Make-A-Wish Maine

Price: $6.00
Quantity Remaining: 177
Event Date: Thu February 20, 2014
Event Time: 7:00 PM

You cannot buy tickets there. You must order/pay through the Portland Radio Group. Go to the Saco Cinemagic website and click on the link. It will take you to the radio website where you can order tickets. Or, go direct to::::

The 2nd event is May 27th

Following the tremendous success of A Dash of Diva: A Girls Night Out last year, a number of area businesses are teaming together to bring you, “A Dash of Diva: Sex and The City Night at Cinemagic”.

Thursday, May 27, you’ll have the opportunity for a private Diva-only screening of Sex and The City 2
6:30pm and 7:30pm at Cinemagic in Saco (779 Portland Rd. Saco, Maine 207-282-6234).
$20 ticket entitles you to the private screening, a gift bag full of great items, and entrance into door prize drawings before the film begins. You’ll also be spoiled with the opportunity to have in-seat beverage and food service during the film according to the Portland Press Herald, one of the key sponsors, along with WJBQ 97.9,, and Prime Motors. There is limited seating, so hurry and order your tickets today by calling 1-800-894-0031.

February 20 is coming right up, so if you’re interested please get your own ticket online. Now, we can plan a group road trip for May 27th! (To be discussed at the March 1 ride planning meeting.) Any questions contact your LOH officer, Janis Tanguay

Janis E Tanguay

Wednesday 2/5/2014
Good Evening,

Well got my new email up and running with all members of 2014. Yeah!!

We will be doing Family Bowling on Sunday, February 16th from either 1 – 3pm or 3 – 5pm. Jesse needs an RSVP if you will be attending and how many. If you could email me back by Sunday the 9th it would be greatly appreciated. Remember this is open to all members of your family, children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews whoever is part of your family. This is always a great time. The price is $10pp and includes, shoes, two hours of bowling, pizza, french fries and drinks.

We will be meeting at L-A Harley on Wednesday, February 19th at 6:30pm and carpooling to Peppers in Winthrop for dinner. Please RSVP to me by this coming Friday so that Walter can make reservations. This evening is also L-A Harley’s open house at Pedro’s.

At our next meeting in March we will follow it with our potluck lunch for our ride planning meeting. So bring a dish and a great idea to put on our riding calendar. Everyone’s impute is very important to make it a successful riding season. So share your favorite ride.

All you ladies out there that are interested in helping at the Ladies Garage Party at L-A Harley on Friday, March 14th, let me know. This is a fun time sharing with other future woman riders. Your help would be needed from 5:30 – 9pm. Let me know.

Please mark down my new email Let’s hope that I do not end up in the Philippines anytime soon.

Stay warm and be careful during this storm.
Kathi L. Yergin
Director, MML HOG


Monday 1/20/2014

Happy Monday All,

Can you believe our Holiday Party is coming up this Saturday evening the 25th? If you have purchased your tickets we are looking for each person to bring an appetizer dish to share. Prospect Hill is allowing us to bring our own to save on the price, which is so nice of them. So if you can bring something THANK YOU!! The address to Prospect Hill is 694 South Main Street, Auburn.

Thank you to everyone who donated their time to help out at the Blood Drive. We were able to get 131 useable pints which can save the lives of 393 people. What a great success!!.

Our next Chapter meeting is Saturday, February 1st.

I am looking for members who are willing to make a soup, or dish for lunch at L-A Harley on February 1st, February 8th, and February 22nd. If you are able to help please email me. I can also get others to serve if you are not able to stay that day. Please those who raised their hands to help at the meeting, please help out just one saturday. To those who have made a meal THANK YOU!!!!

Just a reminder that Renewal of Dues were due January 1st. Effective February 1st if you did not renew your dues you will no longer receive blasts and the 20% on Loyalty points will end. You can mail your form and payment to L-A Harley Attention: Mid Maine HOG and we can renew your membership.

To all our current members we will no longer be printing out membership cards. The cost of printing is quite a bit of money and they have no use. Out of 110 cards printed annually only about 50 people ever pick them up. As long as your membership is renewed yearly and you are active with National we will keep Patrick updated monthly. If you have any concerns or questions on this, PLEASE do not hesitate to contact me.

Also, effective February 15th I will no longer be using this email as it causes such problems receiving and sending messages. You can always reach me at

Looking forward to a wonderful time saturday night. We are going to have a GREAT time.

Kathi L. Yergin

Wednesday 1/15/2014

Good Evening All,

Just a reminder that the ME State Rally registration is now open. Check out the website at and register. It will be a great time!! If you had a good time on the Dreamride and getting together each night you can do that at the Rally. Most are booking at the Waves hotel now and we can all enjoy the beach party schedule on saturday night. If you are not sure what the Rally is talk to me or Cindy.

If you have an article for the newsletter send it to Karen Schneider now. Do you have something to sell? Send it. Do you have a trip to share with members…..send it. This is your newsletter so send Karen some fun things.

Did you sign up to volunteer at the Blood Drive this saturday? If you would like to help unload the trucks for the blood drive you can be at L-A Harley at 7am. Otherwise all other volunteers should be there by 8:30am. THANK YOU all who have signed up to volunteer.

Have a great week!!

Kathi L. Yergin

Sunday 12/29/2013

Happy New Year to all, I hope you found your holidays nice with power and heat.

We have a few things coming up. I am looking for cooks for January 4th and January 11th. If you are able to make a soup or chili or some kind of dish it would be GREATLY APPRECIATED. Let me know. If you would like to serve those weekends that is great but if you would like me to find servers I would need to know as soon as possible. Please send me and email at and let me know.

Our next Chapter meeting is this coming saturday, January 4th. This will be the last day to purchase your tickets for our holiday party at Prospect Hill on Saturday, January 25th.

The annual winter blood drive at L-A Harley is Saturday, January 18th. If you are able to volunteer and have not signed up with Cindy yet let her know at the meeting.

Hope to see you all Saturday. Have a great week.

Kathi L. Yergin


Friday 12/13/2013

Happy Friday All,

I want to thank all the members who have stepped up to fill a 2nd Officer Position for the 2014 year. You know I personally could not do it without ALL of you, so thank you so so much. Below is the position that members have been chosen for.

Activities Coordinator – Jesse Poore with mentor Susan Landon

LOH Officer – Janis Tanguay

Head Road Captain – Brent Tanguay

Editor – Karen Schneider

Safety Officer – Walter Tarbox

Photographer – Greg Davis and Paul Walsh

Historian – Deb Rowe

Membership – Anita Maheux

Webmaster – Donald Gabriel

Pig Pot – Ron Bilodeau

5050 – Ben Loft (Hoping, please)

Sunshine –



Jerry Yergin, Lorrie Fernald, Jeff Rowe, Ben Loft, Brent Tanguay, Janis Tanguay, Dennis Rogers, Henry Maheux, Marcel Charest, Dennis Webb, Scott Tanguay, Kathi Yergin, Walter Tarbox

Thank you ALL we are only a great Chapter because of all of you!!!!

Kathi L. Yergin


Monday 12/9/2013

Happy Monday,

Just a reminder that the LOH dinner is this Wednesday, December 11th at 6:30pm at the Chick a dee.

Our Holiday Party is scheduled for Saturday, January 25, 2014 at Prospect Hill. Price is $15 member, $25 for non members, Tickets are available from Cindy. She will be at L-A Harley on Saturday, December 21st or you can purchase them at our January meeting. The last day to purchase tickets will be at our January meeting.

2014 Membership is now due. The cost is $20. You can fill out a membership form at L-A Harley or print it from your last newsletter. Make check payable to Mid Maine HOG and leave it in the HOG box in the office. Updated membership list will be sent to Patrick on February 1st for 20% on your loyalty card,

I am looking for a couple of people to serve lunch on Saturday the 14th, Jesse is providing the lunch but is unable to serve. If you can help out could you please email me at

Have a great week!!!

Kathi L. Yergin

Friday 12/6/2013

Just to let everyone know the LOH annual Holiday Dinner will be held on Wednesday, December 11th at 6:30pm at the Chick a Dee in Lewiston. We hope all the ladies will be able to get together for some holiday cheer. Please sign up with Jesse at tomorrow’s meeting or email me at

Have a great day, hope to see you tomorrow at our chapter meeting.

Kathi L. Yergin

Sunday 12/2/2013

Good Evening All,

I hope everyone had a great holiday and was able to enjoy the weekend.

Our Chapter meeting is coming up this Saturday, December 7th. 9:00am. Also, this day from 10:00am to 2:00pm we are hosting Breakfast with Santa for John. The menu includes, french toast and sausage. We need volunteers who can be at L-A at 8:00am to set up tables and get ready. We will then have our meeting and then volunteers needed to help serve food. If you are able to help let me know at Please email soon, if we have too many people I will have the one’s who confirmed with me the one’s helping.

This should be a great meeting. I have Volunteer of the Year results to share, a huge pig pot to pull until a winner is announced and if you are interested in a secondary Officer position sign ups will be available. If you are not able to attend the meeting and would like to be a 2nd Officer please let me know by December 7th, (Road Captains are always needed)

Our holiday party has finally been confirmed. We have been waiting weeks for the owner of Prospect Hill to get back to us. The final details are as followed;

Holiday Party: Saturday, January 25th.

Price: $15 members, $30 for non-members

Menu/Times: Will be shared at the meeting

Tickets are available for purchase at the December 7th meeting and final purchase and RSVP will be Saturday, January 4, 2014 meeting.

See you all Saturday!!!

Kathi L. Yergin

Friday 11/22/2013

Hi Everyone,

Hope to see many of you this afternoon for the poker walk. Thanking you in advance for signing up to help out. Should be fun. We will also begin wrapping gifts today and then on Black Friday and every Saturday after that.

During wrapping Jesse will be having baked goods for sale to make a few extra $$ for the Chapter. If you could donate a baked good it would be greatly appreciated. If you have something to bring this afternoon thank you, Black Friday and Saturday next week she really could use some items.

Have a great weekend.

Kathi L. Yergin



Monday 11/18/2013

Good Morning Everyone,

Sure is a wet one out there this morning. It was a fairly nice weekend so I know some of you are still getting in your last minute riding. Stay safe out there.

Just a reminder if you signed up to help with the Poker Run on Friday night at L-A Harley, please try to be there by 3:30pm and see Jesse to get your stations. It will run from 4:00pm to 9:00pm.

I am looking for two people to help serve on Saturday at L-A. If you are able to help can you email me at Do not reply to this email as I am not receiving them. Please understand showing up on a Saturday does not give you points on Biker Bucks. You must let me know ahead of time. But on another note thank you, thank you, thank you to Marcel, Frank, and Walter for setting up on Saturday so I could be off after dropping off the food. And Henry who tried emailing me and did not get me. And Duane for stopping by to clean up.

So I need to know a few days prior if you will be helping out. I sure do not want five or six people showing up and not enough or busy at all for you. So please try my other email, or call 577-8896. Leave a message I will get it.

I have Greg so far volunteering for Saturday, let me know if you can serve. Thank you everyone!!

Kathi L. Yergin