Category: Uncategorized

  • 2020 Iron Adventure Rally Canceled

    Posted on The Iron Adventure Facebook page 05/22/2020: Amid heightened concerns regarding the spread of Covid19, the 2020 Iron Adventure of New England is canceled. Our decision was made in the best interest and safety of all attendees. We are committed to protecting our attendees, our IAR volunteer team members and the community of Farmington…

  • Event Cancellations Extended through May

    Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, all official Harley-Davidson and national H.O.G. sponsored events through May 31 have been cancelled or postponed.

  • Laconia Motorcycle Week Postponed

    Laconia Motorcycle Week has been postponed to August 22nd-30th, 2020, per Laconia City Council.

  • Iron Adventure Updates

    See the Iron Adventure page for updates, a link to their Facebook account, registration information and hotel info.

  • L-A Harley Blood Drive, January 11, 2020 9a-2p

    The annual L-A Harley/Red Cross Blood Drive this coming Saturday from 9am – 2pm. We are looking to collect a record number of pints given the shortage of blood in the community, state and New England region. Scheduling an appointment is the quickest and most efficient way to donate. Click on this link, enter the…

  • L-A Harley Chili Cook Off

    L-A Harley will be having their annual chili cook off on Saturday January 25, 2020. The HOG chapter will be selling hot dogs and bottled water at the event. Our hours will be 10:00 – 2:00.

  • Ladies of Harley Christmas Party

    The Ladies of Harley Christmas Party will be held at DaVinci’s Restaurant located at 150 Mill Street in Lewiston. The date will be Friday December 6th at 5:30 PM. There will be no gift exchange. The only cost to you will be your meal and beverage. We will need a head count as soon as…

  • Iron Adventure 2020

    Text: IRONADVENTURE to 84483 to receive text updates about the Iron Adventure of New England. This is a new SMS group service. You must opt-in again this year to receive messages for the 2020 Iron Adventure. THE EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR! IRON ADVENTURE OF NEW ENGLAND will be held in FARMINGTON CT…

  • November Meeting at 10am

    Reminder that in November we start our Winter meeting start time of 10am.

  • No meeting Aug 3rd

    Per our ride planning meeting in March there is no meeting this Saturday August 3rd. There is instead a ride to The Castle in the Clouds which is located at 455 Old Mountain Road Moultonborough, NH 03254 (for those who would like to plug it into their GPS). Admission is $18.00 for adults, $15.00 for…