Category: Uncategorized

  • February Meeting Date and Time Change

    Please note that our February Meeting will be on the 11th starting at 9:30.

  • L-A Harley-Davidson In-Store Poker Walk

    On Saturday October 15th from 11:00 – 2:00 there will be an in-store poker walk hosted by us, the MMHOG. Volunteers are needed to man the five stations throughout the dealership. Please come to support L-A Harley-Davidson who throughout the year(s) has supported the HOG chapter in many ways!

  • Officer Nominations

    Nominations by ballot for 2023-2024 Primary and Secondary officers will be held during our 10/1 meeting. The meeting will start at 10:00 AM. Elections will be held at our 11/5 meeting.

  • September Meeting & Ride

    We have a meeting on Saturday September 10th @ 9:00 AM in our chapter room at the dealership. Our next ride will be Sunday September 11th to L.L. Cote in Errol, NH leaving L-A Harley-Davidson at 10:00.

  • Ride Sunday August 7th

    There will not be an overnight ladies ride Saturday 8/6 – 8/7. Something will be scheduled but it will be later in the year. Without another MMHOG ride being scheduled we have an opportunity to support KORA Shrine with their annual ride to Bentley’s Saloon. The ride will be leaving KORA Shrine Temple located at…

  • MMHOG Jackman Ride 7/24/2022 Postponed

    The ride to Jackman scheduled for Sunday July 24th has been postponed and will be rescheduled for later this summer. Thank you! Frank P. Welch, Jr.-Director MMHOG Lewiston Chapter #1980

  • Ride Schedule – Update

    The Red Fox Jackson NH ride from Saturday 7/9 to Sunday 7/10. We will leave L-A Harley-Davidson at 10:00 AM. As a reminder always call the HOG hot line to check 1 hour before events.

  • No chapter meetings in July and August.

    There are no chapter meetings in July and August. Our next meeting will be Saturday September 10th @ 9:00 AM.

  • Pathway Vineyard Blessing of the Bikes

    For those interested there will be a Blessing of the Bikes Sunday afternoon May 22, 2022 after the 10:30 AM church service at Pathway Vineyard Church located at 9 Foss Road in Lewiston. The bike blessing will be from 12:30 – 2:00 which includes a free BBQ lunch. Frank P. Welch, Jr.-Director MMHOG Lewiston Chapter…

  • MMLHOG Ride Schedule

    Please see the tab Calendar for the current 2022 Ride schedule. Please check the Hot Line before hand as the schedule is subject to change. #MMLHOG