The following are the typical annual activities of the Chapter.
RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE: Once a year the Mid Maine H.O.G. Chapter along with L-A Harley-Davidson dealership will host a blood drive for the American Red Cross. The Chapter members volunteer for many duties from registration to a bake sale. This event is usually held in January. It’s a day full of fun.
RIDE PLANNING MEETING: This event happens after the dealership schedules their events for the year so that they do not interfere with our rides. The chapter gets together to plan the upcoming rides for the upcoming riding season. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate in the planning. Fresh ideas are greatly appreciated. If you have a ride you would like to do and can’t make it to the meeting, you can get in touch with one of the Primary Officers and they will bring it up at the meeting for you. This Chapter is very active during the riding season.
H.O.G. RALLY: The rally is held in July or August and all H.O.G. members are welcome to attend. The location varies from year to year. The Rally lasts 3 days and includes, Self-Guided and Guided Tours, Games and entertainment. Preregistration is due by the end of May. Best of all it’s a time to have lots of fun with friends and meet new ones.
PROGRESSIVE DINNER RIDE: “Ride and Eat” Sound good so far? If you like to eat (and who doesn’t) this is one event you will not want to miss. We start early in the morning and ride to a members home for breakfast. After everyone is full, we all pitch in to help cleaned up. Then we head back to our Harley’s and move on to the next stop, but not before a long ride. Dinner would be next. And again we eat, clean and ride again. No ride is ever complete without an Ice Cream stop. We will either stop at a member’s home or an Ice Cream stand. This is all done because of Volunteers willing to open their homes to Host this event and everyone willing to pitch in and help. There is usually a minimal fee for this event and the Chapter picks up the rest.
TOY RUN AND BREAKFAST: This event is held in early September. L-A Harley and the H.O.G. Chapter put on a Pancake Breakfast at the Dealership before the Toy Run. The H.O.G. Chapter members volunteer by cooking pancakes, helping with parking bikes, security and cleaning up. The ride will leave the Dealership at 11:00 A.M. and heads to the Augusta Civic Center where everyone is staged for a parade through the city. The ride ends at the Winsor Fair Grounds, where the toys are dropped off with the Salvation Army who in turn will give them to the area children so that they can have a better Christmas. There are bands and vendors at this event at the Winsor Fair Grounds.
CHAPTER BIRTHDAY PARTY: Mid Maine’s Birthday is in November and like any other Birthday it should be celebrated. Since our Birthday falls in November it may be hard to plan a ride on our Harley’s but, if possible we will ride. We will celebrate at a member’s home or restaurant or at our monthly meeting. Whichever works we will do something.
CHRISTMAS PARTY: Since this is a busy time of the year we celebrate in January. This event is held at a restaurant or club and is catered with either a DJ or a band. Sometimes we have a gift swap or door prizes. It is a great time to get together and visit with everyone “off-season”.
L-A HARLEY OPEN HOUSE: Our sponsoring Dealer has several open houses through-out the year. The H.O.G. Chapter members volunteer to help out with parking, cook, and man poker runs etc. The Chapter will sell 50/50 tickets that will benefit the Chapter.
NATIONAL H.O.G.: MEMBERS: In order to be a member of a local Chapter you must be a current member of National H.O.G. When you buy a new Harley you get a free National H.O.G. membership for one year. If you attend a Chapter meeting after buying a new Harley you will also receive a free membership for that calendar year.
MEETINGS TIMES: Chapter meetings are held on the 1st (first) Saturday of each month at 9:00 A.M. at the Dealership (L-A Harley). Check the calendar as times and dates may vary.