L-A Harley Blood Drive, January 11, 2020 9a-2p

The annual L-A Harley/Red Cross Blood Drive this coming Saturday from 9am – 2pm. We are looking to collect a record number of pints given the shortage of blood in the community, state and New England region.

Scheduling an appointment is the quickest and most efficient way to donate. Click on this link, enter the zip code 04243, scroll down to the L-A Harley Drive, tap on See Times and select the time you want to donate. It will ask you to create an account and then follow the prompts.


We always welcome walk-ins. We will work you in and among the appointments.

For the best experience, drink plenty of fluids starting a couple days prior and be sure to have a good breakfast or brunch prior to coming in.

We look forward to seeing you all this weekend! Bring family and friends along and make a difference in our Healthcare Community!