Save the date. 2018 Rally is in Maine August 2, 3 & 4.
Rally is Thursday August 2nd through Saturday August 4thr. Feel free to arrive a day early or stay a
day late.
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This Rally is a little different this year. It will be a Regional Rally, encompassing 11 states and the Canadian Provence of Quebec. There will be over 120 chapters and Dealers in our Regional Rally area.
Location of the Rally is at Sunday River Ski Resort in Newry Maine. A great place for riding.
There is no Host Hotel only a host property and that is Sunday River.
***** Rooms in the area are filling fast. You can always do day trips to the Rally, but why not stay and enjoy. Camping is available also. Check the Iron Run site for updates *****
Sunday River Hotel reservations are open call 800-207-2365 all reservations are first come first serve! Please use promo code 85TOJT. Though you may book room blocks when you call there is a maximum of five room blocks per person.
There are 3 hotels on the property.
These hotels only have availability on Friday and Saturday!
1. Snow Cap lnn-70 guest rooms-no food service at location
2. Grand Summit Hotel-230 guest rooms-full service
3. Jordan Hotel-187 guest rooms-full service
Room prices have three levels $89 per night at the Inn. Then for the Summit and Jordan a single with a queen bed is $109, a two bedroom s $225 a three bedroom suite is $325. Two and three bedrooms are available at the Summit and Jordan hotel only.
So, to break It down, for 2 adults it would be $465 for a three-day weekend, and that includes 3 room nights and three dinners $69.
Sunday river is offering dinner $20 per person Thursday and Friday and $29/ person on Saturday. You don’t have to stay at the hotel to get, but you need to purchase in advance. The cancellation policy is 100% up to 2 weeks prior to the rally.
Other Hotels are as follows:
Maine Ski Lodging Company-On Sunday River Property 16 Parkway
Bethel Maine
Rates: $89-$119 per night
Promo Code ’10G on Nebsite or Nhen calling
Mountain Village Lodge 134 Mayville Road
Bethel, ME 04217
Rates: $109-$139 per night
Promo Code HOG on website or when calling
River View Resort
357 Mayville Rd, Bethel, ME 207-517-9412
Rates $129 per 11ight
Sudbury lnn-17 Rooms
151 Main St, Bethel, ME 04217
Rates: $89-$159 per night
The Victoria lnn-17 Rooms
32 Main St, Bethel, ME 04217
Rates· $119-$149 per night http:/ /
Pleasant River Motel-18 Rooms
764 W Bethel Rd, W Bethel, ME 04286 Rates: $70 per night
Chapter Challenge Items and Point Values
• 1 point for every Chapter Member attending Rally
• 1 point for bringing Chapter Flag
• 1 point for bringing Chapter Patch to display?
• 1 point for riding w/flag in Parade
• Winner Corn hole game vs other Chapter-score sheet
• Winner Horse shoes vs other Chapter – score sheet
• Winner Slingshot glow balls vs other chapter-score sheet
• # of hours volunteered from Chapter = points
• Total# of miles ridden to the Rally for Chapter=points
• First 100 registered gets 10 points for their chapter
• 3 Points for leading an organized ride
• 1 Point for assisting the lead in an organized ride
• 5 points for bringing a first time Rally attendee from your chapter
• Additional points for food drive to be considered
Prize is a plaque and a $100 donation to charity